Confirmation Registration 2024-2025

We are also collecting more information from every member of the congregation. If you have not filled out an Individual Information Form for your confirmation student, please fill that out as well. There is additional information that we need on them located on this form that we didn't include here to keep it less redundant.
Student Information

Please enter the cell phone number of your confirmation student.  This year we are looking into creating a youth text chat platform where the students can interact with lessons and one another throughout the year. If you child does not have a cell phone, please leave blank. 
Enter Grade child will be entering in the Fall of 2024.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please indicate if you would not like ORLC to post your child's image on our wesbite / social channels.
Please select all that apply.
If you haven't also filled out an indiviudal information form, please also fill that out here for you child and each member of your household.


We are also collecting more information from every member of the congregation. If you have not filled out an Individual Information Form for your confirmation student, please fill that out as well. There is additional information that we need on them located on this form that we didn't include here to keep it less redundant.