Individual Information Form

Please fill out as much information as possible. If you have questions, please feel free to contact the church office at 516-781-6374 or
Thank you for your help in updating your information in our database here at ORLC.  Some of our information is up to date, some of it is missing, other information is incorrect. By taking the time to fill out this form you will help us in our orgnaization and communication.  It will also serve as the foundation for creating an in-house photo directory to share with the congregation.  

Please fill out as much as you are able. 1 form per person in the household.  So if you have 4 people living in your household, please fill out 4 forms.  Please do not fill out one form for the entire family.
Personal Information

Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Contact Information

We are able to set your contact preferences to Private.  This means that Pastor and Church Staff will have access to this private contact info, but it will not be shared publicaly or printed in the Church Directory.  Please set any contact info you wish to be private below. 

Our system is also able to send congregtaional and auto generated emails and text messages.  One example will be if you sign up to volunteer, you will get confirmation RSVP and reminder emails and/or texts through our system.   You can opt out and not receieve either the emails or texts.  If you do not wish to receive emails or texts, please indicate below.
Please select all that apply.
Thrivent Membership

Trivent Financial members are able to access certian benefits that can impact ORLC. 1) Action Team Grants can be applied for up to $250 2x a year by each member for ministry events  2) Choice Dollars can be directed towards ORLC.  If you are a Thrvent Member we would like to know so that we can provide you with information on how you can help us apply for these grants and benefits.  
Please select all that apply.
Important Dates

If you were Baptized, recieved First Communion, or Confirmed at ORLC we already have those date in our system.  No need to enter them.  If you know the dates, or approximate month/year or just year, enter what you know.  If these took place elsewhere, we would love to have this info if you know it.  We have some, but are missing alot.  Share what you know and if you need to look into it further, you can always call us to update thee dates at a later time.  Most churches keep records, so you can give a call and see if they have dates on file.
Emergency Information

Please fill out grade, school district, and any allergy information for children and youth, as we do share snacks and food in Sunday School and at youth events.  Adults can skip these questions.  

We have found it helpful in the past to have an Emergency Contact in case of emergencies. This has been helpful not only for our youth, but for adults in our congregations.  Since we will already have your household family info on file, please list an emergency contact who lives outside of your household even if they are not local.    

As we seek to increase our Social Media presence and update our Website, please note below if you do not desire your photo to be featured online.

Please select all that apply.
Education / Work

Please share information that applies.  In addition to student information for youth, we would like to ask adults to share a little about themselves.  This is helpful to us in a couple of different ways.  If we have a need, or someone in the congregation has some type of need, we can sort through our members occupations / skills and interests to see if there is someone who might be best suited to help.
Please enter the students grade that they will be entering in the Fall of 2024. Not current grade.  
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Directory and Database Photos

We are long overdue to publish a church photo directory.  Last one was 15 years ago!  We will use the above information to publish an inhouse directory (info marked private will not be shared).  We do however need photos to include in the directory. 

There are a couple ways to include your photo.  1) send us a photo.  You can upload a digital photo to this form or skip it for now and do it later through our website.  Please make sure everyone in your household (and only people in your household) are included in the photo, we can clearly see eveyones faces and is recent.  You can also email your photo(s) to

In addition to a household photo, we also ask that you upload indvidual photos. You can add them to this form or through our website or via email at a later time.  Again, please make sure it is the indiviudal only and is recent. We will attach the individual photo to your individual profile.  This will help us internally, as well as be able to provide such things as Sunday School class lists with photos. 

*Note: Adult Children will be classified as their own household and should have their own photo, even if they live at the same address.

During the months of September and October we will have opportunies after church to get your family and individual photos taken to be used in the directory if you'd prefer that and do not have one to submit.  

If you do not wish to be included in the Directory at all, please note that below.  We would still love your photo for internal purposes even if you do not want it shared. 

We only need you to attach one family photo on one form for the family.  You do not need to attach the family photo to every form of each member of your family, just attach a individual photo.  Thanks!  
Please select one option.


Please fill out as much information as possible. If you have questions, please feel free to contact the church office at 516-781-6374 or